Hibernation Season

The chill is setting in, and the hours of daylight have dramatically decreased. Can you feel it?

So many of us are in the thick of feeling the weight of the winter months in the. Northeastern US. With reduced vitamin D and daylight, we are often feeling more easily drained, less energetic, decreased motivation and sense of enjoyment, and just overall feeling like we’re going through the motions. Such a common experience through the changes of seasons from year to year. We are in this with you!

While implementing a healthy balance of vitamins, nourishing your body, basking in front of your own sun lamp, and little bit of physical movement can do wonders - our brains might still be thinking “But everything is grey and dead!”

Hard stop. Let’s rewind and try to rethink that. What Earth is modeling for us is the absolute necessity of turning inward to take a pause and recharge so that we may blossom anew in the Spring. Without rest, pause, reflection, and slowing down - we may miss the opportunity to level up and grow bigger and better year to year! Happy hibernation and we look forward to seeing new buds after your rest!


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