Ambler Counseling Center

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Summer Mindfulness

Everyone’s got summer and vacation on the brain - a lot of our college-aged and teen clients figure life’s a lot simpler without school. Times, when the stress is low, are the perfect time to practice things like *mindfulness* and embracing your present moment.

Next time you’re at the beach enjoying a treat with friends focus on your 5 senses! This will help you out when things get stressful again. Try these easy prompts -

Look around your surroundings and name 5 things you can see.

Listen for 4 things you can hear.

Sniff out 3 things you can smell.

Close your eyes and connect with 2 things you can feel in your body.

Move your tongue around in your mouth a bit and try to name 1 thing you can taste.

If any of these senses are triggering for you or not accessible, feel free to practice mindfulness by zeroing in on one sense that you feel especially connected with and grounded by!"

For more resources or to connect with a Therapist today, contact Ambler Counseling Center!